Scottish Railway Preservation Society Collections pages

0-4-0ST National Coal Board Area 3 (Central West) No.17

0-4-0ST National Coal Board Area 3 No.17 locomotive picture
Between trips, resting at Bedlay Colliery weighbridge, 1979. Photo K.McCallum

SRPS Core Collection, acquired 1989.
Built between 1948 and 1950 by Andrew Barclay, Sons & Co. Works No.2296.
Currently off-site at Shed 47 Lathalmond Bus Museum.

No.17 is undergoing overhaul by Shed 47 Group, Lathalmond, Fife. It is an example of the largest (16" diameter cylinder) standard Barclay product. It was delivered new to the National Coal Board to work on colliery railways around Twechar in Dunbartonshire, and worked at Gartshore, Cardowan and Bedlay collieries. After Bedlay closed in 1981, No.17 moved to Barony Colliery in Ayrshire, where in 1982 it became the National Coal Board's last working steam locomotive in Britain.

Further details of the working life of this locomotive are available here.

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